Results for 'Prime Manifestazioni All'enciclica Dalle Sue'

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  1. Giovanni Felice Rossi.Prime Manifestazioni All'enciclica Dalle Sue - forthcoming - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica.
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  2. La Neoscolastica italiana dalle sue prime manifestazioni all'enciclica Aeterni Patris.Hm Schidinger-Gf Rossi - 1990 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 82:365.
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  3. Il buon europeo di Nietzsche oltre nichilismo e morale cristiana.Pietro Gori & Paolo Stellino - 2016 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:98-124.
    ITA: Quello del “buon europeo” è in Nietzsche un tema significativo, che si presenta originariamente connesso alle riflessioni di Nietzsche sulla cultura europea, arricchendosi col tempo di una portata filosofica che si lega agli obiettivi del suo pensiero maturo. Scopo del presente articolo è di mostrare la genesi e l’evoluzione di tale concetto, a partire dalle sue prime occorrenze in Umano, troppo umano I fino al suo compiuto sviluppo negli scritti del 1885-87. Tale studio permetterà di evidenziare il (...)
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    Buonocore Theodor Mommsen e gli studi sul mondo antico. Dalle sue lettere conservate nella biblioteca apostolica vaticana. Pp. xvi + 427. Naples: Jovene, 2003. Paper, €35. ISBN: 978-88-243-1492-3. - Buonopane, Buora, Marcone La ricerca epigrafica e antiquaria nelle Venezie dall'età napoleonica all'unità. Pp. viii + 384, ills, maps. Florence: Le Monnier Università, 2007. Paper, €28. ISBN: 978-88-00-20724-9. - Buonocore Tra i codici epigrafici della Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana. Pp. 437, ill. Faenza: Fratelli Lega, 2004. Paper, €160. ISBN: 978-88-7594-024-9. [REVIEW]M. H. Crawford - 2010 - The Classical Review 60 (1):318-319.
  5. Dalle prime alle< seconde lagrime>. Un capitolo della storia dell'amore di Francesco Petrarca”.Arnaldo Foresti - 1940 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 12:8-35.
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    Dall' analisi matematica al calcolo geometrico: origini delle prime ricerche di logica di peano.Umberto Bottazzini - 1985 - History and Philosophy of Logic 6 (1):25-52.
    The Calcolo geometrico (1888) seems to have been a turning point in the scientific career of Giuseppe Peano (1858?1932) because with this book he started publishing in logic. Looking for motivations of his early interests in the field one is naturally led to investigate the background of that book. Besides his previous work in mathematical analysis, methods and results of some Italian mathematicians and?above all?the spread of Grassmann's theories in Italy played a significant role: this point seems to have been (...)
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    Maria Lucia Sancassano, Il serpente e le sue immagini. Il motivo del serpente nella poesia greca dall’Iliade all’Orestea.Pierre Somville - 2000 - Kernos 13:297-298.
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    M. L. Sancassano: Il serpente e le sue immagini: Il motivo del serpente nella poesia greca dall’ Iliade all’ Orestea. Pp. 205. Como: Edizioni New Press, 1997. Paper, L. 40,000. [REVIEW]A. Kahane - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (2):571-572.
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    Fondamenti di logica deduttiva. Con esempi ed esercizi tratti dalle scienze psicologiche.Ettore De Monte (ed.) - 2014 - Roma: CISU.
    Come migliore introduzione ad un manuale di logica deduttiva pensato per le scienze psicologiche, crediamo sia necessario definire i seguenti termini: logica, logica deduttiva e logica come arte. Crediamo, infatti, che la chiara conoscenza di tali concetti predisponga e prepari allo studio di una materia complessa come la logica e allo studio delle relazioni, forse ancor più complesse, tra logica e psicologia. Possiamo dare della logica almeno due definizioni, una più ampia ed una più ristretta. Secondo un’accezione estesa, possiamo allora (...)
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    L’ordine alchemico del mondo. Cause naturali e intervento divino nella Pretiosa Margarita Novella di Pietro Bono da Ferrara.Jacopo Tomatis - 2024 - Doctor Virtualis 19:133-160.
    Fin dalle sue origini l’alchimia ha dovuto confrontarsi con il problema dell’ordine. La sua eccentricità rispetto agli altri saperi medievali poneva questioni sulla sua collocazione e sulla natura dell’oggetto che cercava, la pietra filosofale. L’articolo presenta il tentativo fatto dal medico Pietro Bono da Ferrara di riordinare la materia alchemica e di incasellarla nel sistema scientifico scolastico. Nella sua opera, la _ Pretiosa Margarita Novella _, egli utilizza il sillogismo per ordinare la trattazione dell’alchimia, la _ subalternatio _ per (...)
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    «Copiati esattissimamente in misura rigorosa»: note sulle prime incisioni dei dittici eburnei del Tesoro del Duomo di Monza. Anton Francesco Gori, Anton Francesco Frisi e i fratelli Trivulzio nella seconda metà del Settecento.Marco Emilio Erba - 2023 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 75 (1):117-152.
    Nel Tesoro del Duomo di Monza si conservano tre celebri dittici eburnei relativi alla dotazione di suppellettili liturgiche di Berengario del Friuli (inizi X secolo): il dittico di Stilicone e quello del Poeta e della Musa, entrambi tardo antichi; il dittico di re Davide e san Gregorio Magno, di datazione e lettura più controverse (VI secolo ed età carolingia). Primo editore dei pezzi è Anton Francesco Gori nel secondo volume del Thesaurus veterum diptychorum consularium et ecclesiasticorum (1759), corredato di tre (...)
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    Piccola guida filosofica all'identità personale.Fabio Patrone - 2023 - Roma-Bari: Editori Laterza.
    Quello che ci rende le persone che siamo è l’insieme delle nostre caratteristiche psicologiche (i ricordi, le emozioni, i desideri) o la persistenza delle nostre caratteristiche fisiche? La questione dell’identità personale è tra le più dibattute nella storia della filosofia fin dalle sue origini. Facendo uso di un copioso numero di esempi tratti dal quotidiano, questo libro conduce per mano dentro uno dei temi filosofici più sorprendenti.
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    Presentazione.Domenico Spinosa - 2011 - Rivista di Estetica 46:3-4.
    Il presente numero di “Rivista di estetica” raccoglie diversi contributi che intendono riflettere oggi sui limiti e sulle possibilità di un approccio estetico-filosofico alle nuove istanze (sia tecniche che narrative) che ci giungono da questo oggetto sempre da identificare chiamato film. Come si sa, il cinema, fin dalle sue origini, ha generato un complesso insieme di discorsi intorno a sé. Il cinema è stato cioè continuamente trattato, discusso, analizzato, fatto oggetto di studio, dalla st...
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    Wittgenstein, Olismo Ed Esperimenti Mentali.Carlo Penco - 2008 - Paradigmi 2.
    In questo articolo parlo della influenza di Einstein su Wittgenstein a partire da alcuni problemi che si pongono all’olismo. L’olismo è stato spesso collegato a Wittgenstein, almeno in forma di “olismo locale”. L’olismo è però soggetto a due tipi di paradossi: il paradosso della comunicazione per l’olismo semantico e il paradosso del relativismo concettuale per l’olismo epistemologico. Dopo aver presentato brevemente i due paradossi, confronto le risposte di Davidson, in difesa dell’olismo, con quelle di Wittgenstein (o di tipo wittgensteiniano). Da (...)
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    Gianfranco Agosti, Nonno di Panapoli. Parafrasi del Vangelo di San Giovanni. Canto Quinto.Giuseppe Lozza - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (2):571-573.
    Se l'attenzione maggiore degli studiosi si è da sempre concentrata sulle Dionisiache, non di meno negli ultimi vent'anni si assiste a un rinnovato interesse per l'altro poema esametrico attribuito a Nonno, la Parafrasi del Vangelo di Giovanni; ciò soprattutto per merito di Enrico Livrea e della sua scuola fiorentina, di cui anche l'autore di questo volume fa parte. Esso rappresenta una tappa ulteriore – dopo l'edizione del Canto I (De Stefani), del Canto II (Livrea), del Canto XVIII (Livrea) e del (...)
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    Raimondo Lullo: opere e vita straordinaria di un grande pensatore medievale.Sara Muzzi - 2016 - Milano (Italy): Edizioni Terra Santa.
    Raimondo Lullo (1232-1316) è una figura poliedrica, difficile da cogliere nella sua complessità. Un autore lontano nel tempo ma di sorprendente attualità, soprattutto nel suo essere "uomo del Mediterraneo" i cui orizzonti culturali spaziarono dall'una all'altra delle sue sponde e delle sue civiltà. Dopo aver riconosciuto e descritto ciò che le religioni del Libro avevano in comune e in cosa differivano, Lullo cercò di realizzare un dialogo basato non sulla loro uguaglianza, ma su una parità che deriva dalla dignità personale (...)
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  17. What is primed by emotion concepts and emotion words.Paula M. Niedenthal, Anette Rohmann & Nathalie Dalle - 2003 - In Jochen Musch & Karl C. Klauer, The Psychology of Evaluation: Affective Processes in Cognition and Emotion. Lawerence Erlbaum. pp. 307--333.
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  18. Inconsistency between the Circulatory and the Brain Criteria of Death in the Uniform Determination of Death Act.Alberto Molina-Pérez, James L. Bernat & Anne Dalle Ave - 2023 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 48 (5):422-433.
    The Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA) provides that “an individual who has sustained either (1) irreversible cessation of circulatory and respiratory functions or (2) irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain, including the brain stem, is dead.” We show that the UDDA contains two conflicting interpretations of the phrase “cessation of functions.” By one interpretation, what matters for the determination of death is the cessation of spontaneous functions only, regardless of their generation by artificial means. By the (...)
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    Poietic Transspatiality.Martina Ferrari - 2018 - Chiasmi International 20:385-401.
    In this paper, I attend to the ontological shift in Merleau-Ponty’s later writing and suggest that this conceptual turn opens the space for questions of the latent sense of the sensible foreclosed by dualist accounts and propositional theories of meaning. By attending to the Nature Lectures, I claim that there is a sens [meaning and orientation] of nature whose regulatory principle ought to be found in nature itself. This is to say that there is a normativity of nature that, albeit (...)
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  20. Michel Villey e il tema dei Diritti Umani: una critica dal punto di vista dei suoi testi e dalle sue fonti.Renato Rabbi-Baldi Cabanillas - 2011 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 88 (4):551-582.
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  21. Michel Villey e il tema dei Diritti Umani: una critica dal punto di vista dei suoi testi e dalle sue fonti.Renato Rabbi Baldi Cabanillas - 2011 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 88 (4):551-582.
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    La filosofia verso la religione.Amato Masnovo - 1977 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
    "La filosofia verso la religione", opera giudicata tra le "più notevoli espresse dalla neo-scolastica italiana, e non solo italiana" e che "concentra nelle sue poche pagine un intero trattato di filosofia; diciamo meglio: di metafisica" (Vanni Rovighi), merita di essere riproposta per più motivi. Anzitutto per l'idea di ricerca filosofica che l'anima, non altra da quella auspicata già dall'enciclica Fides et ratio (1998) come antidoto a un nichilismo pervasivo che, rinunciando al mito razionalistico, diventa ancora più insidioso per la verità (...)
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    "Isn't All Art Performed?" Issue Introduction.Sue Spaid & Rossen Ventzislavov - 2021 - Aesthetic Investigations 5 (1):1-6.
    The work of artist Ron Athey has long befuddled the art historical establishment and has mostly remained under the philosophical radar. In this review of Athey’s Acephalous Monster, performed on August 28, 2021, at the Roy and Edna Disney/CalArts Theater in Los Angeles, I propose a philosophical frame- work for Athey’s radical reinvention of ethical categories like agency, mutuality and communion. I describe the performance and its critical context in order to tease out the aesthetic dimension of this reinvention and (...)
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    The Hero in the Mirror: From Fear to Fortitude.Sue Grand - 2009 - Routledge.
    In times of stress, trauma and crisis—whether on a personal or global scale—it can be all too easy for us to externalize a larger-than-life figure who can assuage our suffering, a Hero who comes to the fore even as we recede into the background. In taking on our collective burden, however, such an omnipotent Hero can actually undermine us, representing as it does the very same characteristics we fail to note in one another. By granting the Hero to power to (...)
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    Putting all cetacean brains in one category is a big order.Sue T. Parker - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (1):97-98.
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    It's all about relationships: Developing nurse‐led primary health care in rural communities.Sue Randall, Debra M. Jones, Giti Hadaddan, Danielle White & Rochelle Einboden - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (4):e12674.
    The role of nurses in leading the design and delivery of primary health care services to address health inequities is growing in prominence, specifically in rural Australia. However, limited evidence exists to inform nurse‐led primary health care in this context. Based on a focus group with nursing executives and semi‐structured interviews with registered nurses we describe nurse experiences of leading the design of a primary health care service in rural Australia and nurse transition to and practice in this service. Nurse (...)
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    A Political Life: Arendtian Aesthetics and Open Systems.Sue Spaid - 2003 - Ethics and the Environment 8 (1):93-101.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 8.1 (2003) 93-101 [Access article in PDF] A Political LifeArendtian Aesthetics and Open Systems Sue Spaid Since the 1990s, artists have broken ground by producing works that are "open systems." That is, they are incomplete, participatory, and elastic. In this paper, I will argue that open systems exemplify Hannah Arendt's conception of vita activa, in contrast to art's traditional role as inspiring vita contemplativa. Since (...)
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    La presunta controversia tra Pascasio e Ratramno in epoca carolingia: alle origini della razionalizzazione della dottrina eucaristica.Raffaele Alberto Ventura - 2024 - Doctor Virtualis 19:45-68.
    L’articolo si concentra su uno snodo centrale nella lunga crisi che tocca la dottrina eucaristica nel Medioevo, ovvero sulla presunta controversia tra Pascasio Radberto e Ratramno di Corbie nel IX secolo a proposito della presenza di Cristo nel sacramento, in figura oppure in verità. Partendo dalla constatazione che le visioni dei due monaci non sono contrapposte, come si è creduto a partire dal X-XI secolo, intendiamo innanzitutto mostrare che i loro sono tentativi complementari di ritradurre entro categorie chiare e univoche (...)
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    The Philosophy of Curatorial Practice Between Work and World.Sue Spaid - 2020 - Bloomsbury Publishing.
    This book walks us through the process of how artworks eventually get their meaning, showing us how curated exhibitions invite audience members to weave an exhibition's narrative threads, which gives artworks their contents and discursive sense. -/- Arguing that exhibitions avail artworks as candidates for reception, whose meaning, value, and relevance reflect audience responses, it challenges the existing view that exhibitions present “already-validated” candidates for appreciation. Instead, this book stresses the collaborative nature of curatorial practices, debunking the twin myths of (...)
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    Such stuff as REM and NREM dreams are made on? An elaboration.Sue Llewellyn - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (6):634-659.
    I argued that rapid eye movement (REM) dreaming is elaborative emotional encoding for episodic memories, sharing many features with the ancient art of memory (AAOM). In this framework, during non–rapid eye movement (NREM), dream scenes enable junctions between episodic networks in the cortex and are retained by the hippocampus as indices for retrieval. The commentaries, which varied in tone from patent enthusiasm to edgy scepticism, fall into seven natural groups: debate over the contribution of the illustrative dream and disputes over (...)
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    A General Model for the Adaptive Function of Self-Knowledge in Animals and Humans.Sue Taylor Parker - 1997 - Consciousness and Cognition 6 (1):75-86.
    This article offers a general definition of self-knowledge that embraces all forms and levels of self-knowledge in animals and humans. It is hypothesized that various levels of self-knowledge constitute an ordinal scale such that each species in a lineage displays the forms of self-knowledge found in related species as well as new forms it and its sister species may have evolved. Likewise, it is hypothesized that these various forms of levels of self-knowledge develop in the sequence in which they evolved. (...)
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  32. Women, "False" Memory, and Personal Identity.Sue Campbell - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (2):51 - 82.
    We contest each other's memory claims all the time. I am concerned with how the contesting of memory claims and narratives may be an integral part of many abusive situations. I use the writings of Otto Weininger and the False Memory Syndrome Foundation to explore a particular strategy of discrediting women as rememberers, making them more vulnerable to sexual harm. This strategy relies on the presentation of women as unable to maintain a stable enough sense of self or identity to (...)
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    Ethical Issues Associated With the Introduction of New Surgical Devices, or Just Because We Can, Doesn't Mean We Should.Sue Ross, Magali Robert, Marie-Andrée Harvey, Scott Farrell, Jane Schulz, David Wilkie, Danny Lovatsis, Annette Epp, Bill Easton, Barry McMillan, Joyce Schachter, Chander Gupta & Charles Weijer - unknown
    Surgical devices are often marketed before there is good evidence of their safety and effectiveness. Our paper discusses the ethical issues associated with the early marketing and use of new surgical devices from the perspectives of the six groups most concerned. Health Canada, which is responsible for licensing new surgical devices, should amend their requirements to include rigorous clinical trials that provide data on effectiveness and safety for each new product before it is marketed. Industry should comply with all Health (...)
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    Come le società animali limitano il loro incremento demografico: aspetti biologici ed etologici.P. Battaglini - 1992 - Global Bioethics 5 (2):51-63.
    RiassuntoVengono analizzati gli aspetti socio-demografici dei meccanismi messi in opera dalle popolazioni animali per regolare la propria densità numerica.Negli animali la regolazione demografica è un fenomeno legato alla strategia finalistica della Natura. D'altro canto lo scopo principale della Natura è la continuità della specie nelle migliori condizioni di vita e di congruità nell'ambiente.Il sistema migliore per esaminare come le specie animali limitino il numero dei propri individui al fine di mantenersi in equilibrio con l'ambiente è quello di studiare le (...)
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    From Empathy to Empathies. Towards a Paradigm Change.Laura Boella - 2018 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 9 (1):1-13.
    : Today’s debate on empathy is characterized by an interplay between neuroscience, philosophy of mind and phenomenology that has led to several distinct definitions of empathy. Much of the difficulty in defining empathy is due to the emphasis on its prosocial value, a feature that has made it a “keyword” of our time. Does the role empathy has been assigned in social interactions imply its involvement in matters of identity, similarity and affective resonance? What happens when the flow of sensations (...)
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    The Under-representation of African American Employees in Animal Welfare Organizations in the United States.Sue-Ellen Brown - 2005 - Society and Animals 13 (2):153-162.
    The purpose of this research was to document the alleged underrepresentation of African Americans employed in U.S. nonhuman animal welfare organizations. A telephone survey of 32 animal welfare organizations yielded responses from 13 with 1,584 employees. Almost all organizations were reluctant to respond. Of the 13 organizations responding, 62% had no African American employees. African Americans made up 4% of the total number of employees with only 0.8% at the top levels . African Americans never made up more than 7% (...)
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    Importance of Respect in Patient Care.Sue Gibson - 2011 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 1 (3):139-141.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Importance of Respect in Patient CareSue GibsonI have been a state-tested nurses aide (STNA) for 32 years. When I get up to go to work, I always start out with a positive attitude.After I clock in for my shift, I go to my assigned floor to start my day. I gather up all my paperwork that is necessary and I'm off and running.I feel the best way to make (...)
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    Practical ethics in architecture and interior design practice.Sue Lani W. Madsen - 2023 - New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Dana E. Vaux & David Wang.
    Practical Ethics in Architecture and Interior Design Practice presents the basics of design practice through ethical scenarios, ushering design students into real-world experiential learning. Each chapter begins with a detailed story involving a complicated set of practical and ethical dilemmas, exemplifying those encountered each day in the world of professional practice. Practice-based topics such as contracts and project delivery methods, marketing design services, cross-cultural collaboration, virtual connectivity, social justice and sustainable design, soft skills, and other related professional practice themes are (...)
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    Distorsioni temporali e coscienza dell'azione intenzionale.Selene Mezzalira - 2018 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 9 (1):14-32.
    Riassunto: Le “distorsioni” temporali paiono riguardare l’agentività umana in tutte le proprie manifestazioni. Da una prospettiva strutturale, l’azione si manifesta come un intreccio di processi che fondamentalmente comprende la formulazione di un’intenzione, l’esecuzione di un movimento e infine il processamento di un feedback che include gli effetti dell’azione. Lo studio dell’agentività umana ha incontrato molti ostacoli dovuti principalmente alla complessità dei processi mentali che accompagnano azioni specifiche. E tuttavia studi recenti hanno gettato luce sui processi mentali sottostanti l’azione. In (...)
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    Realist Christian theology in a postmodern age.Sue M. Patterson - 1999 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This book cuts new ground in bringing together traditional Christian theological perspectives on truth and reality with a contemporary philosophical view of the place of language in both divine and wordly reality. Patterson seeks to reconcile the requirements that Christian theology should both take account of postmodern insights concerning the inextricability of language and world as well as taking God's truth to be absolute for all reality. Yet it is not simply about theological language and truth as such. Instead Patterson (...)
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    How journalists engage: a theory of trust building, identities, and care.Sue Robinson - 2023 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    How Journalists Engage: A theory of trustbuilding, identity, and care explores the ways journalists of different identities enact trusting relationships with their audiences according to divergent sets of principles. Drawing from case studies, community work, surveys, interviews and focus groups, this book documents the now-established "built environment" powered with engagement journalism that represents the first major paradigm shift of the press' core values in more than a century. A proliferation of media-trust programs, grants, foundations, companies, collaborations, networks, and money demands (...)
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    Re-visioning Clinical Research: Gender and the Ethics of Experimental Design.Sue V. Rosser - 1989 - Hypatia 4 (2):125-139.
    Since modern medicine is based substantially in clinical medical research, the flaws and ethical problems that arise in this research as it is conceived and practiced in the United States are likely to be reflected to some extent in current medicine and its practice. This paper explores some of the ways in which clinical research has suffered from an androcentric focus in its choice and definition of problems studied, approaches and methods used in design and interpretation of experiments, and theories (...)
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  43. Atoms and Monads: An Inquiry Into the Idea of Nature in Locke's "Essay" and Leibniz's "New Essays".Sue M. Weinberg - 1985 - Dissertation, City University of New York
    A matter of significance for the history of philosophy is the question of what are the issues that underlie Leibniz's response to Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding, in his own New Essays on Human Understanding. Exploration of that question can contribute to interpretations of both Locke and Leibniz. Equally important, it can provide insight into problems of philosophy that have their genesis in the seventeenth century. ;The dissertation uses the Essay and the New Essays to explore what it regards as (...)
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    Object individuation by iconic content: How is numerosity represented in iconic representation?Athanasios Raftopoulos - 2020 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 11 (1):42-70.
    : Fodor argues that perceptual representations are a subset of iconic representations, which are distinguished from symbolic/discursive representations. Iconic representations are nonconceptual and they do not support the abilities afforded by concepts. Iconic representations, for example, cannot support object individuation. If someone thinks that perception or some of its parts has imagistic NCC, they face the following dilemma. Either they will have to accept that this NCC does not allow for object individuation, but it represents instead conglomerations of properties and (...)
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    Locating Animals in Political Philosophy.Will Kymlicka & Sue Donaldson - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (11):692-701.
    While animal rights have been a central topic within moral philosophy since the 1970s, it has remained virtually invisible within political philosophy. This article explores two key reasons for the difficulties in locating animals within political philosophy. First, even if animals are seen as having intrinsic moral status, they are often seen as ultimately distant others or strangers, beyond the bounds of human society. Insofar as political philosophy focuses on the governing of a shared social life, animals are seen as (...)
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    Autonomy, Vulnerability and Gender.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2003 - Feminist Theory 4 (2):149-164.
    This article challenges a prominent claim in moral philosophy: that autonomy is a personal ideal, according to which individuals are authors of their own lives. This claim is philosophically dubious and ethically pernicious, having excluded women from positions of rational authority. A reading of Ibsen's A Doll's House illustrates how this conception of the ideal of autonomy misrepresents the reality of individuals' lived experiences and imposes a gendered identity which subordinates women to a masculine narcissism. In Ibsen's play the woman, (...)
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  47. Gender and the infinite: On the aspiration to be all there is.Pamala Sue Anderson - 2001 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 50 (1/3):191-212.
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    Reorienting Ourselves in (Bergsonian) Freedom, Friendship and Feminism.Nicholas Bunnin & Pamela Sue Anderson - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (1-2):23-35.
    Pamela Sue Anderson urges feminist philosophers to embrace Michèle Le Doeuff’s revaluation of women in philosophy through according “fair value” to intuition as an intellectual faculty, a view of intuition articulated by Henri Bergson. She asks whether women who follow Bergson could be given fair value along with intuition. She turns from Le Doeuff’s writings on intuition to writings by Bergson and by Beauvoir, but periodically returns to Le Doeuff herself. In the end, a picture of freedom, friendship and feminism (...)
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    Iniziare dall’Assoluto: il dibattito scolastico sul primum cognitum e le sue implicazioni storiche e sistematiche.Veneranda Castellano - 2007 - Quaestio 7 (1):568-570.
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    Indexical Duality: A Fregean Theory.Tomis Kapitan - 2016 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 7 (3):303-320.
    : Frege’s remarks about the first-person pronoun in Der Gedanke have elicited numerous commentaries, but his insight has not been fully appreciated or developed. Commentators have overlooked Frege’s reasons for claiming that there are two distinct first-person senses, and failed to realize that his remarks easily generalize to all indexicals. I present a perspectival theory of indexicals inspired by Frege’s claim that all indexical types have a dual meaning which, in turn, leads to a duality of senses expressed by indexical (...)
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